Home Chapter 3 Summary
Book - Chapter 3

We have learned that metal conducts well because it has valence electrons, which allow the electrons to travel through the metal, while plastics do not except in specially manufactured plastics designed for this.

With conditioning electronics, transformers convert 115 volts alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC) of varying voltages depending on how they are designed. You have also learned and applied how to read AC voltages and the proper setting for your multimeter as well that AC is dangerous and needs to be handled safely.

We have learned about the breadboard is an excellent prototyping place to set and test circuits and used the board to measure DC direct current and how to properly read the polarity of a wall transformer. We learned how to use the multimeter to check for continuity and non-conductance, which is one of the primary ways we will determine why our circuits do and do not work. We have also discussed two contemporary artists who have used voltage Walter Demaria who utilized static clouds to direct lighting and Andrew Neumann who used the aesthetic of the AC sine waves to question issues of electrical and non-electrical power systems.



[1] De Maria Walter,

[2] Neumann, Andrew: http://www.bitforms.com/statement_neumann.html

[3] R.H Warring, Understanding Electronics

[4] Coontz Robert. The war of the Currents. Exploratorium Quarterly.

[5] Getting Started in Electronics by Forrest Mims

[6] http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/2000/press.html