Home Chapter 8 Analog input to video output
Analog input to video output

There are many ways of controlling video in Max MSP and Jitter and one really great way is using a potentiometer or other analog input voltage. Perhaps a variable resistor or a bend sensor for example? Before you start this lesson I recommend you first review and become familiar with the Max MSP and Jitter lesson Movie Playback — Introduction to video playback. That will give you a real sense of the possibilities of how you can use this tutorial below to tie all to physical input.

The patch below will allow you to use footage that is commonly a part of the basic tutorials in Max to attach a potentiometer to input pin 14 A0 on the Arduino UNO and use that to control video playback. Remember your easy start patch need to be open for this to work.

You will notice a number of elements here. The first thing you must do is assert the (PinMode 14 2) in the patch to assert the A01 pin. After you have done this you should have control over the potentiometer in Max and when you turn the pot you should notice the dial turning clockwise and counterclockwise with your potentiometer attached to the Arduino.

Now click on the code (ready dishes.mov) to read the quicktime movie file and you will notice a number of possibilities.

1) The first one to the lower left allows you to use the potentiometer to change just the rate. 2) the middle one allow you to scale potentiometer data in such a way that you can change the speed and direction of the video and 3) the lower right one allows you to use the dial as if you are going to a specific frame in the video to scrub through the video footage with the potentiometer dial.