Home Chapter 18 Publications

Antennae The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture

Artthrob (South Africa) contemporary visual arts publication

Chair et Métal  (France) E-magazine on new media art

E-Art Asean (Malaysia) e-journal advancement of the Internet. The publication is also facilitating creative collaborations between the technology-based artists of Southeast Asia and art organisations.

C-Theory (Canada) Journal of theory, technology, and culture.

Digital Art Source. A collection of articles, reviews, on-line forums, links and displays of new media and digital art.

The Journal of Aesthetics and Protests. Art and activism and ways to think through cultural and political representation.

Pop Matters. Cultural criticism.

Design Research News. Free newsletter that encompasses design, covers        events, articles, competitions and promotes growth in the area of design.

Fine Art Forum Art and Technology news

POL Oxygen (Australia) Magazine on art, design and architecture.

Leonardo Journal supporting the convergence of all media at the intersection of art and technology


Rhizome online publications

Real Time (Australia) Ezine covering visual arts, dance, music, new media, installation art, performance art, festivals and more. An interesting read.

Switch Magazine

The Thing

Net Culture (Greece) e-zine digital culture and its aspects. Users can upload their works and ideas.

New Media Notes (Ireland) free e-mail newsletter, online resource & print feature for artists working with technology and new media

Teknokultura (Puerto Rico) e-journal that serves as a discussion forum regarding subjects of 'technoculture’

Books and reading resources; technical & theoretical

       Art and Electronic Media / Edward Shanken

       Robot Builders Sourcebook / Gordon McComb

James Turrell eclipse / James Turrell

War in the age of intelligent machines / by Manuel de Landa

Reframing Consciousness / edited by Roy Ascott.

The language of new media / Lev Manovich.

Lifescience / herausgegeben von Gerfried Stocker und Christine Schopf. Bright and a CD by Paul Schutze.

Machine beauty  elegance and the heart of technology / David Gelernter.

Retrato Proteico / Marta de Menezes

Decon / Martade Menezes

Alan Rath robotics.

Interactive works / Agnes Hegedus

Devices of wonder from the world in a box to images on a screen/ Barbara Maria Stafford and Frances Terpak; with an object list by Isotta Poggi.

Telematic embrace visionary theories of art, technology, and consciousness / Roy Ascott; edited and with an essay by Edward A. Shanken.

The art of the motor / Paul Virilio; translated by Julie Rose.

Electronic culture technology and visual representation /edited by Tim Druckrey; preface by Allucquere Rosanne Stone.

Multimedia from Wagner to virtual reality / edited by Randall Packer and Ken Jordan; foreword by William Gibson.

Ars Electronica facing the future a survey of two decades /edited by Timothy Druckrey with Ars Electronica.

Illuminations / Walter Benjamin; edited and with an introduction by Hannah Arndt; translated by Harry Zohn

Parallax essays on art, culture and technology / Darren Tofts.

New media in late 20th-century art / Michael Rush

The question concerning technology and other essays / Martin High

Techne art and technology from the machine aesthetic to the post human / R.L. Rutsky.

Heidegger; translated and with an introduction by William Lovitt.

Art & technology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries / Pierre Francastel; foreword by Yve-Alain Bois; translated by Randall Cherry.

Mediating the human body technology, communication, and fashion / edited by Leopoldina Fortunati, James E. Katz, Raimonda Riccini.

Post-digital painting / [curated by Joe Houston; foreword by Gregory Wittkopp; essays by Joe Houston]

Maeda@media / John Maeda; [foreword by Nicholas Negroponte]

Curating new media Third Baltic International Seminar 2001 / Tamas Banovich ... [et al.]; edited by Sarah Cook,

A history of experimental film and video from canonical avant-

garde to contemporary British practice / A.L. Rees.

Camera Lucida reflections on photography / Roland Barthes; translated by Richard Howard.

Frequencies investigations into culture, history and technology/ edited by Melanie Keen.

Art and religion, art and science, art and production / Albert Gleizes; translation, introduction and notes by Peter Brooke; with a foreword by Bruce Arnold

Update 2.0 medien kunst aktuell aus Deutschland = current media art from Germany.

Words of light theses on the photography of history / Eduardo Cadava.

Leonardo Almanac, International Resources in Art Science and Technology REF. NX 212 .159 L46 1993

Leonardo Magazine, Back issues on the shelves.

Art and the Future, Douglass and Davis, Praeger

Vision as a Mediated Experience, Norman Bryson

Vision and Technology, Paul Virilio

Information Theory Signal & Noise, Claude Shannon

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin

Computers and the Simulacra, Beaudrillard's

La Machine de Vision, Paul Virilio.

International Directory of Electronic Arts / IDEA

Digital Visions, Computers and Art, Cynthia Goodman

Art of The Electronic Age / Frank Popper

Art and technology / edited by Rene Berger and Lloyd Eby.

Art and technology a time-line review / (Bonnie Wilder).

Electronic culture technology and visual representation

The vision machine / Paul Virilio.

Virtual seminar on the bioapparatus.

John K. Grande, Intertwining Landscape, Technology, Issues, Artists (Black Rose Books, 1998)