With Max Msp and Jitter, you can generate tones quite easily with a few simple objects such as the cycle~ object, *~ (multiplier object) and the EZdac object. Random can also add some fun as you will discover.
Create the patch below. This includes the sinusoidal cycle function in placed in a function object with the tilda ~ telling max to generate a tone and the 440 frequency itself, which will be 440 Hz per second.
Notice how the patch cords are stripped to indicate the signal coming through?
Now be sure to activate the tone by choosing this from the options menu and choose audio status to get the controls over the ezdac control.
Activate the audio and choose your proper driver selection and you should hear audio.
Now to create a simple synthesizer.
Take this same patch and add a number box above the cycle ~ 440 and attach both to the inlets of the cycle and you can change the tone.
Now change the number box and notice how the tones change? Can you create many tones at one time? What happens if you attach a patch cord from the *~ 0.3 to the second inlet of the ezdac to the right?
Attaching the second outlet to the inlet of the ezdac allows you to get stereo output.
Now for fun lets add a random object and a bang to change the random object. Notice that it will choose frequencies that are beyond your ability to hear below certain really low tones? Use random 1000 to skew the number toward the high end and also add a button to create a bang.
Pretty fun to create a dynamic synthesizer that is randomly oriented. Can you think of a way to automate that process? What about a metronomic device or function? Let's try that. Add a toggle and a metro 100 to keep the pace going.
Pretty neat huh?
Now try to add another random function to your random code and duplicate this across a number of patches.
You are ready for your auto generative sound premiere.
How might you attach this to physical switches or the real world of touch to the world of sound?