Home Chapter 2 References
Book - Chapter 2


[1] http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/tutorials/chemistry/page1.html

[2] Hazen, Robert, M, & Trefil, James, Science Matters, PG 95

[3] Pat Murphy and Doherty, Paul a Shocking Conversation. Exploratorium Quarterly.

[4] "Battery Chemistry: Voltaic Pile. How Batteries Work. HowStuffWorks, Inc. 2004.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Pat Murphy and Doherty, Paul a Shocking Conversation. Exploratorium Quarterly.

[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%e9-Marie_Amp%e8re

[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Hertz

[9] Greene, Brian, The Elegant Universe, Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and The Quest for the Ultimate Theory. Vintage Books, pg XI

[10] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dalton

[11] http://www.aip.org/history/electron/jjsound.htm

[12] http://www.aip.org/aip/copyright.html

[13] Greene, Brian, The Elegant Universe, Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and The Quest for the Ultimate Theory. Vintage Books, pg XI


Additional technical research resources:

Getting Started in Electronics by Forrest Mims
Encyclopedia of Electronics Stan Gibilisco Editor in Chief
Greene, Brian, The Elegant Universe, Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and The Quest for the Ultimate Theory
Dibner, Bern, "The Voltaic Pile ". Alessandro Volta and the Electric Battery. Franklin Watts, Inc., 1964.

Additional technical and artistic reading and research resources:

Robert Lebel sur Marcel Duchamp. Trianon Press. 1959.
Marcel Duchamp. By A. Schwarz. Paris. 1974.
The Bride and the Bachelors: The Heretical Courtship in Modern Art by Calvin Tomkins. Penguin USA, 1976.
Dialogues With Marcel Duchamp by Pierre Cabanne, Marcel Duchamp, Robert Motherwell (Designer). DaCapo Press, 1988.
Marcel Duchamp: The Art of Making Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Francis M. Naumann, Marcel Duchamp. Harry N Abrams, 1999.
Affectionately, Marcel: The Selected Correspondence of Marcel Duchamp by Marcel Duchamp, Francis M. Naumann (Editor), Hector Obalk (Editor), Jill Taylor (Translator). Ludion, 2000.
Marcel Duchamp by Dawn Ades, Neil Cox (Contributor), David Hopkins, Marcel Duchamp, Da Ades. Thames & Hudson, 1999.
Kant after Duchamp (October Books) by Thierry De Duve. MIT Press, 1998.
Infinite Regress: Marcel Duchamp 1910-1941 (October Books) by David Joselit. MIT Press, 2001.
The Private Worlds of Marcel Duchamp: Desire, Liberation, and the Self in Modern Culture by Jerrold Seigel. University of California Press, 1997.
Duchamp: Great Modern Masters (Great Modern Masters Series) by Marcel Duchamp, Alberto Curotto (Translator), Jose Maria Faerna (Editor). Abradale Press, 1996.
The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp (2 Volumes in 1) by Arturo Schwarz. Delano Greenidge Editions, 2001.
Marcel Duchamp: The Bachelor Stripped Bare: A Biography by Alice Goldfarb Marquis. MFA Publications, 2002.