Ken Rinaldo and the community of makers and thinkers would like to thank the many who have directly and indirectly supported the writing and production of this book. Like any endeavor in Art and Science this is work of collaboration and a labor of love
I owe tremendous dept of gratitude to Ross Baldwin for testing of the electronic designs and curriculum. Ross also did 3D models for this book and developed original programs and tested code as an intern. Ross also acted as a technical consultant on some of the hardware and software approaches to the lessons and his contributions have been professional and substantial. Ross received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art & Technology at The Ohio State University in 2006 focused on Physical computing and digital imaging. Ross currently runs the Materials Science Facility at The Ohio State University. Thanks to Lucas Fenik who is an undergraduate in the Art & Technology program and for preparation of lessons on MAX MSP and Jitter in relation to the switchs and LED activation. Thanks to TradeMark G. (aka Mark Gunderson) is a musician and artist, perhaps best known as founder of the band The Evolution Control Committee in 1986. He is also a culture jammer, equipment designer, software designer, and organizer. The Evolution Control Committee is best known for its copyright-challenging stance, using found sounds to create new musical works at the risk of copyright violation. Thanks to Trademark Gunderson for his work on a lesson for MAX MSP and Jitter with the kinect and for his amazing programming skills in taking MAXUINO and writing an autoload patch for MAX MSP and Jitter. Thanks to Jessica Ann who was born and raised in Tulsa, OK who contributed the patch on an encoder in Max. Jessica Ann received her BFA from the University of Oklahoma in 2003. Her interests span a variety of media, including organic material and living organisms, rapid prototyping, video, code, electronics, and the internet. She aggregates these media via eclectic forms that often take shape as kinetic sculptures and interactive installations. Her work reflects a desire to understand how and why a life mediated by technology is changing what it means to be a body. In 2014, Ann received a grant from Critical Difference for Women for Biofeedback Cinema, a brain-to-camera-interface research project. Ann is currently pursuing an MFA in Art & Technology at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. I owe a tremendous dept of gratitude to Kate Jones who read and edited for this book, searching for meaning and working to refine my thoughts and clarify my sometimes, fuzzy language. Kate Jones Baldwin and Ross Baldwin (yes they met in my studio and are now married with two children) tested many lessons and made valuable suggestions about where ideas came through and where they did not. We called this extreme editing when Ross and Kate would spend Sundays in my home office listening to tunes, laughing and having fun with the lessons. Kate Jones received her Bachelor of Fine Art Degree from Art and Technology program at the Ohio State University in 2002 and in past worked as an assistant editor for the Materials Evaluation Magazine and currently Kate is working to raise her children. Ross is currently the manager of the Materials Science lab at OSU and seeking an engineering degree. Thanks to Olivia Manger who is currently an undergraduate working in interactive media. She contributes her work coauthored with Kiersten Kollins the Transgenic Flytrap as well as basic lessons using MAX MSP and driving a RGB LED.
Thanks to Jessica Miller Ingraham for her many original models in 2002. Jessica worked for six months in producing 3D models and received her BFA from Art & Technology in 2003 and a Masters of Fine Arts at the Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago Illinois and currently Jessica does stage and set design in Columbus Ohio for Bartha Audio Visual and she runs a photo studio. Thanks to Christina Morrel for editing the HTML and posting much of this book to the Joomla content management system. Christina worked as an intern for many long hours under deadline to help with this large endeavor. Her professionalism and generosity of time, speak to an individual that cares deeply about giving knowledge to the planet. Christina is a graduate of our BFA in Art & Technology at The Ohio State University. Thanks to Bill Shackelford for work on the website in getting up Joomla content management system. Bill is living and working in Columbus Ohio working for Victorias Secret as a web developer. He is a graduate of the Art & Technology program at The Ohio State University. He has shown his works nationally and internationally. Thanks to Caleb Shuey is a BFA graduate of the Art & Technology program at The Ohio State University in the Department of Art and working in animation and interactive media. Caleb authored the section on interactive animation with MAX MSP and Jitter. I owe a tremendous dept of gratitude to Todd Swepston for many of the 3 dimensional visuals and models for this book. Todd Swepston has been modeling and creating visualizations for this book as an intern for 1.5 years. There was an important dialogue between the writing and the models and this was possible because Todd was patient and willing to distill and refine the models and visuals in conversations with me. Todd Swepston’s ongoing collaboration and our dialogue has been a great inspiration. Todd Swepston received his BFA and MFA from the Art and Technology program at the Ohio State University in Columbus Ohio, focused on Physical computing, robotics, 3D modeling and rapid prototyping works.Todd currently works for Battelle developing robotic systems. Great thanks to Michael Tanzillo, who created most of the 3D models for the book from scratch, modified others and lit and rendered most of the 3D models and visualizations. Michael Tanzillo working as an intern for me, after graduating with a Bachelors of Fine Arts from the Ohio State University Department of Art and his professional and on time production allowed so much productivity in such a short period of time. Tanzilo has an interest in sports, 3D modeling, rapid prototyping sculpture, animation and alternative gaming. Mike graduated with a Masters of Fine Arts Degree from the Savannah College of Art and Design and is currently working as a Lighting Technical Assistant at Blue Sky Studios. Thanks to Chris Coleman who creates sculpture, performances and videos as well as interactive installations and Ali Momeni who works with kinetics, electronics, software, sound, light, people, plants and animals, for their original MAXUINO code and for their ongoing work in supporting the use of Arduino with MAX MSP and Jitter through their MAXUINO website. Thanks to Eric Singer for the invention and marketing of the Miditron TM control platform. (The miditron is no longer manufactured as of this writing Aug 2014) though still a powerful interface board. I also wish to thank my mother Anne Rutherdale and stepfather Jack Rutherdale for supporting my education. Without Anne and Jack I would not have been able to spend glorious years focused on my art and inventions. I would also thank my father, Jean Rinaldo and Anne for framing the importance of creative thinking. So many art and science museums as a child must have somehow rubbed- off. Thanks to Mark Grossman, Joe Kennedy, and John Dawson for early collaboration, which allowed me access to these brilliant engineering minds. Mark Grossman was a fantastic collaborator on the Flock, a project that helped me to develop important ideas about what constituted a successful interactive work. Joe Kennedy was an early collaborator in designing and building control boards which were used in the Flock, and John Dawson has been an ongoing supporter of my work and ideas for many years sharing ideas and contacts that lead to new projects. Thanks to Billy Kluver and Robert Rauschenberg for creating EAT Experiments in Art and Technology, which fostered the intersection of the artists and engineering communities. As a ten year old, I will never forget seeing Heart Beats Dust 1968 by Jean Dupuyat the Brooklyn Museum, New York. By putting a stethoscope on your heart you were able to see a diaphragm send dust into the air to the beat of your own heart. Thanks to Steve Wilson, Brian Rogers, and George LeGrady, who created the Information Arts program at San Francisco State University. This art program framed the importance of conceptual thinking as the driving force in using and challenging technology in the creation of art works. Steve Wilson’s web site, as well as his new book, Information Arts, has been an ongoing inspiration and point of research for all in this community. Thanks to Simon Penny for informing the area of interactive robotic art/invention through important writings and artworks, and for the Machine Culture Show at Siggraph in 1993. This one show was the trunk of a tree that led to so many other international exhibits, and I am grateful to Simons’ early vision and curatorial efforts. Thanks to Joan Truckenbroad, Shawn Decker, Steve Waldeck, and Peter Gena for inviting me to teach as a visiting artist at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1997. This visiting artist position, in one of the finest Art & Technology Programs in the world, was an important testing ground for developing some of the approaches to this curriculum and teaching my first course for SAIC. Thanks to all the artists and inventors who have contributed work to this book, and to those who are documented within. Without these artists and inventors, the field of interactive art, installation, kinetics, industrial design, robotic sculpture, dance and technology, art and biology, and neon art would not exist, as we know it . . . Stelarc, Michael Rodemer, Jennifer Hall, Nick Baginsky, Ulrike Gabriel, Eduardo Kac, Perry Hobberman, Tiffiny Holmes, Myron Krueger, Joel Slayton, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Sheldon Brown, Simon Penny, Victoria Vesna, Jason Ditmars, Shawn Decker, Steve Waldeck, Christian Schiess, Michael Hayden, Ned Kahn, Michael Sturtz, Yianni Yessios, Sabrina Raaf, Dan Miller, Bill Vorn, Todd Slaughter, Philippe Demers, Nancy Patterson, Rafael Lozanno Hemmer, Ken Feingold, Norman White, Mark Pauline, Nam June Paik, James Seawright, Joe Davis, Ted Krueger, Ken Kaplan, Jim Pallas, Jim Zalewski, Chico MacMurtrie, Rick Sayre, Marcelli Antúnez Roca, Chris Csikszentmihalyi, Susan Collins, Martin Spanjaard, Nina Sobell, Emily Hartzell, Garnet Hertz, Max Dean, Christian Ristow, Heidi Kumao, Daniel Rozin, Edwin van der Heide, Marnix de Nijs, Matt Heckert, Victoria Scott, Theo Jansen, Phillip Demers, Bill Vorn, Barney Haynes, Cynthia Lawson, Eric Forman, Maywa Denki, Keith Piper, Marie Sester, Magali Desbazeille, Siegfried Canto, Alis Momeni, Chris Coleman.......